Sunday, November 14, 2010

Buyers Wanted.... No Experience Necessary!!

      As an artisan I LOVE to create things.  I never know from day to day exactly what will come out of my creative moods. Sometimes I am disappointed and frustrated with what the end result of hours of work is, and other times I am amazed at what has appeared seemingly by itself, in front of my eyes.
      Part of being an artist is the wanting to share with others the beauty that I have been blessed to create. As a child I would make things and give them away for the joy of giving.  As an adult I  still enjoy giving things away, but have found that in order to purchase the supplies I need to create items I need  to sell my craft.
    I have found myself the full time owner of several online shops. This is also a FULL TIME job that does not leave room for creating near as much as I would like.  I have shops on Artfire, Zibbet, Etsy, as well as a variety of other places.  Because I am only one skinny white woman I can only focus my attention on these top three.
     All of my "free time" is spent listing (ugh, news flash, artists like to create not list), promoting (sorry facebook friends for the constant onslaught of items coming at you, and oh by the way will you please share them with your friends? Thanks a bunch!) tweeting,(will I ever get the hang of this abstract notion?)  visiting forums on a variety of sites to leave links leading back to my shops.  
      So far all of my hard work as not as  of yet, paid off.   

Because of this I have decided to run an advertisement for Buyers.
BUYERS WANTED, NO EXPERIENCE (unless your shopping on Etsy) NECESSARY!!
To be a buyer that I am looking for you only need to fill these one of these qualifications. An AMAZING buyer is able to fill all four.

  •  Buyers who know what they want and are not afraid to ask for it. Be it a custom order, or for earwires to be swapped out for clip ons, or for a necklace to be lengthened  or shortened. 
  • Buyers who are not afraid of asking for a deal, (if you send me a message saying you Love love love my pearl necklace but cannot afford the price, chances are it will be lowered for you)  
  • Buyers who are not afraid to set up a buyer account on Etsy or navigate the confusing process they have there. 
  • Buyers who would rather not set up a buyer account and purchase directly from my Artfire kiosk on Facebook (too cool!! hope it catches on soon) 

If you think you may be a Buyer who fills these qualifications then I am looking forward to working with you!


  1. Kay this is fun, funny and imaginative! Loved reading it!

  2. LOVE the blog! and yuor jewelry is so so prety

  3. @ Brett, Thank you!! Some things just need to be said! :D

    @ Sara, Thank you I appreciate your visiting my blog. :D

  4. Chuckles. :)
    Love your work and always try to share it. As for buyer - I know the feeling.

  5. so much talent, love the dream catchers! great blog, signed up to be a follower too..

  6. Wado Sus, Jan, Promises, Vik ale Carol I appreciate the comments.

  7. What you wrote is so true! Personally, I didn't dream of selling only supplies on line. Perhaps a pair of your dream catcher earrings would help and they are at the top of my wish list. My husband the finance guy says everyone should be ready for when people return to buying, so keep creating and don't give up!


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